Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Don't Read This - it's written by a crazy person.

You don't have to read this. I put these articles in a blog post so that people can opt out of reading this particular post if you want.

This is just for the curious.

For the genuinely interested.

Those who like looking at all sides of something and think ALL questions are healthy.

The people who realize that when questions are starting to be unwelcomed or censored, something fishy might be going on.

This is not for overly-touchy people.

Or those who don't want to engage in highly-charged topics.

You know, politics, religion, and life-style choices.

So if you only want to see videos of kittens or gossipy articles about various celebrities, this is not the post for you. Turn around and just walk away. Get a Jamba Juice and cookie.

This is a distraction.

Still here? Okay. I warned you.

I just wanted a place to compile my thoughts. A place to put everything at once without bombarding people with my "crazy" viewpoints over and over and over.

So here I will put it all. I apologize in advance for even bringing it up. Should I just stay quiet? Probably, but that's just not my personality. It's like asking a leopard to be a vegetarian. Totally wrong and against its basic nature.

Here is just a tiny handful of things I've found to be interesting.


Education Before Vaccination: Research Links for Beginners

List of Peer-Reviewed Vaccine Research

Doctors Speaking Out:

An article with two physicians speaking out against the administration of vaccines

The Deadly Impossibility of Herd Immunity by Dr. Russell Blaylock

Dr. Jack Wolfson- Why All The Anger?

Dr. Suzanne Humphries videos: Vaccines, Disease and Health

Useful Side Information:

CDC Whistleblower - Relationship between MMR Vaccine and Autism covered-up

Unvaccinated Kids are Healthier than Vaccinated Kids

Vaccine Cause Chronic Immune System Dysregulation

Vaccine Alternatives

About Vaccines Used Today:

CDC List of Vaccine Ingredients - just for those curious

1983 Vaccine Schedule -VS- Today's Vaccine Schedule (and we wonder why we have so much autism, ADHD, learning disorders, deadly allergies, chronic disease..etc?) Side by Side Comparison

Chart of when vaccines where introduced to the general public in regards to decline of disease

Vaccines Shed:

Vaccines Regularly Shed and Spread Diseases

Study Shows Vaccinated Individuals Spread Disease

Measles Stuff:

The Benefits of Contracting Measles by Dr. Viera Scheibner (part 1)

Part 2

Most people who contracted measles from the Disneyland incident are adults

14 Things to Consider Before Getting the MMR Vaccine

When Did We Become So Afraid of the Measles?

Merck MMR Vaccine Insert - probably all the info you need on why not to vaccinate.

Other Vaccines:

Heb B Vaccine is all bad - study

Flu Vaccine increases risk of bacterial infection

Exposure to Aluminum and Mercury early in life can have neurological and immunologic effects


There is NO anti-vaccination movement

Measles Vaccine Study: Vaccine Fails Regularly

A fun and snarky blog post "My kid isn't unprotected"

Just For Mormons:

A Case for Mormons Who Don't Vaccinate - blog from a fellow LDS woman

No Science, just interesting:

Gandhi was anti-vaccine - which holds more weight for me than Melinda freaking Gates.

Non-Vaccine Stuff:

Why We Get Mad When People Challenge What We Believe In


No vaccine has been proven safe and effective. None have ever been in a double-blind placebo study with any satisfying or even slightly encouraging results. Here's a great article that seems pretty unbiased about the whole subject explaining why all vaccine studies are pretty crappy.

The CDC conducts most of their own studies which isn't very unbiased, in my opinion.

Don't say I'm uneducated or making a hasty decision. These are just a small percentage of the pages and pages and pages of information I have. I didn't include most of the scientific studies, but you can look at the other links I have to see scientific studies linked in their articles. Or just ask me for them. They are super dry, so I didn't want to bore anyone. But please know, I have been researching relentlessly for over 2 years- before Nova was born. Can you honestly say you've been as diligent? Or can you commit to being that

I went through intense fear over this decision. We're so conditioned to think if we don't vaccinate we'll instantly catch PolioMeaslesWhoopingCough-engitis and die. Instantly. but I wanted to make sure I make the right choices because some vaccines weren't necessary in my mind- like Hep B for a baby. Insane. Or HPV for a 10 year old.

I used to think vaccines were just a tiny dose of the virus in some kind of purified saline or water and our bodies fought it off naturally and we gained immunity. That would make sense. I had no idea.

However, the more I read and thought and prayed I knew I couldn't do it. I couldn't inject my precious daughter with this crap on the basis that "I should" because "they recommend it." Call me paranoid, but I'm going to make my own decisions. I'm going to always ask questions before doing something to my body or my child's body. I can always change my decision and I'm always reading and looking for different answers. However, if I vaccinate Nova then I can't undo it. I can't take back the chemicals.

Until there's a better way, I won't vaccinate. I will live as healthily as possible and practice other types of ways to protect my kids. I will keep them home if they get sick or another kid gets sick. But I'm not afraid of the measles or whooping cough or polio or any of it. I'm more afraid of vaccine related injury.

“But while the Atonement is meant to help us all become more like Christ, it is NOT MEANT TO MAKE US ALL THE SAME! Sometimes we confuse differences in personality with sin. We can even make the mistake of thinking that because someone is different from us, it must mean they are not pleasing to God. This line of thinking leads some to believe that the Church wants to create every member from a single mold—that each one should look, feel, think, and behave like every other. This would contradict the genius of God, who created every man different from his brother, every son different from his father. Even identical twins are not identical in their personalities and spiritual identities.
It also contradicts the intent and purpose of the Church of Jesus Christ, which acknowledges and protects the moral agency—with all its far-reaching consequences—of each and every one of God’s children. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are united in our testimony of the restored gospel and our commitment to keep God’s commandments. But we are diverse in our cultural, social, and political preferences.” 
-Dieter F. Uchtdorf


  1. Wow, Laurel! You sure have provided a lot of links! Let me provide one of my own:

    Peace, love, chocolate.

  2. Thanks Chris. Yes, I've seen that horrible little cartoon. I'm sorry, but it does nothing for the pro-vaccine argument. Instead, please provide something that isn't insulting. Thanks!
