Thursday, December 4, 2014

Life is Sacrifice

My new motto: Life is sacrifice.

Every real decision you make requires sacrifice. It's something I've just now started to realize. Silly, right? It's obvious. If you choose a cheeseburger for lunch, you sacrifice your waistline. But man, it taste gooooood. If you choose a salad for lunch, you sacrifice happiness. Because let's face it, salads are pure evil.

But let's get serious for a moment.

There are certain things in my life at the moment (being intentionally vague) that are making me very unhappy. To be slightly less vague I will tell you a few things that ARE making me happy and then by process of elimination you can figure out what is making me grow an ulcer.

The Good
1) My family.

They're the best. I can come home and all my worries melt away. Okay, that's a bit of an exaggeration, but I would much rather deal with home life than....other things.

2) My social life.

I don't actually have a social life, but the crumbs I do have are delightful. I enjoy going out to the movies, reading a good book, shopping, going to church activities, etc. That keeps me sane.

3) The online forum I help moderate.

What, you didn't know that about me? Yes. I help moderate a creative writing forum called Legendfire. I'm what's called a Forum Leader *trumpet fanfare*. I know. Fancy. I absolutely love it. Sometimes it can be very stressful (like when people are mean and I need to bring out the hammer of justice), but it's a good kind of stress. Cleansing.

Okay. What's missing from the list? I'll let you think for a moment.


It's okay if you still don't know. It doesn't actually matter. The point is, life is sacrifice. In order for things to work out how I want them to in the future, I must stick to the plan. That means, sometimes, a little unhappiness. Today was particularly miserable, but I'm sure tomorrow will be better.

There is always light at the end of the tunnel. We have some big plans for next year, I just have to push forward and be patient.

Oh yea, life is also patience.

I hate being an adult sometimes. Today, I was watching some kids do community service work and thought, "Man, I wish I was still sixteen and didn't have to worry about finances or the future. All I would have to worry about is grades. How nice." It was a horrifying thought. Who wants to be back in high school? No one!

It reminded me of the time I had this accounting job. No, I'm serious. For one whole day I was an assistant accountant.

Okay, you can stop laughing now.

I wanted to work in this little bookstore SO badly that I begged for any job. They gave me that one.

This old man and I sat at a desk in the back for hours. He went over how to keep the books and do math things (see how well I was paying attention?) and I kept thinking, "This is hell. I've seen a glimpse, and this is it."

When I finally took my thirty-minute lunch, I went to a nearby Carl's Jr. While I ate my burger I watched the cashier ring up another customer and I thought enviously, "Man, I wish I had her job." Alarm bells! When you wish you had a fast food job, you know something is wrong with your current occupational choice.

Needless to say, I quit that accounting job the next day. The old man was very angry with me. Thus is life.

Rambling story over.

My point being: Today made me wish I was back in high school. Alarm bells!

But I push onward. Hopefully I have the strength of character to survive a little longer.

Luckily, Netflix has Gilmore Girls.

And Youtube has this gem:

You're welcome.

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