Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Journey of a Preggo Lady - 23+6 weeks

It's been a while since I posted anything and I thought it was time for an update.

Today, 6/1/13, I am 23+5 days pregnant (which means on Monday I will be 24 weeks). For anyone who's been pregnant before, you know this is a milestone. For all the rest of you here's what it means:

1) If I give birth early, my baby is now at a stage in her development where there is a 95% chance she'd survive as a premie.
2) I am 6 months pregnant and close to third trimester!
3) I can now see the baby move. Weird, but cool. Mike saw it too, last night, and was thoroughly weirded out. In a good, surreal way.

Crazy how time flies. Actually, that's a lie. It's dragged on....and on....and on. I feeling like I've been waiting to be 24 weeks for a long time. People keep saying how it'll go by so fast...and it's all lies! :)

Things I've learned so far:

1) Random strangers now think we are best friends and ask me uber personal questions while in line at target.
2) Acquaintances at work think we're best friends and ask me uber personal questions in front of my boss and other people...loudly.
3) Everyone and their dog ask what we're naming her. Then proceed to make a million suggestions.

I don't mind, really. I believe I'm pretty laid-back, but it's an interesting phenomenon. Luckily, I'm not big enough for people to rub my belly randomly. Looking forward to that one. But I do wonder why people feel the need to ask if my boobs hurt, if I'm gassy, or if she was planned.

Mike is taking everything in stride. He's an amazing guy. We agree in 99% of the names and every decision has been really easy. We see eye to eye on just about everything. I know I'm lucky, I hear all these stories about not agreeing on anything and getting into arguments about names and I feel so blessed to have Mike. Learning to be a parent with him is going to be a BLAST.

I have one belly picture from today I can share. Up until last week there wasn't much to take a picture of. I'm just starting to really look pregnant so many pictures to come.
Me at work showing off my little belly. It's pretty high so most people think I just ate a big lunch. Which I probably did. :)

Thanks for all your love and support! Kisses and hugs.

The Starks

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