Monday, September 9, 2013

More from the crazy preggo lady: 38 weeks pregnant.

Well, apparently this whole adventure of first time pregnancy is almost over. In two weeks, the baby will be officially due! People say it goes by fast, but let me tell you, it doesn't. :D Nope, it's felt like a very long process and one that I'm ready to push into the next phase. Literally.

I've been feeling slightly obsessive about birth and researching natural birth these last few months. Poor Mike is now an expert on what to expect during labor- which is good because I don't want him to be too shocked. If you know Mike, and I'm assuming you do since you're reading this blog, you'll know he's one of the most intelligent and laid-back people in the world! The perfect birth partner. I can't wait to see him in action. I don't know what I'd do without him (gush gush gush).

To answer some questions I've been getting:

1) I'm feeling great...ish. Normal preggo discomforts include: Achy back, out of breath all the time, the inability to bend over or roll over or basically move like a normal human being, insomnia followed by an insane amount of sleep...normal stuff. I'm so lucky to have such an "easy" first pregnancy. To all those women who really suffer through it, you're my HEROES!

2) We have narrowed the list of names down to three STRONG contenders. It's going to be really hard choosing, but we're going to bring them to the hospital and see if one clicks. Crossing fingers that she won't go unnamed for a long period of time...

3) We're moving most of our stuff this week into my parent's house.The nursery is all set up, we just need to organize our own bedroom and living room, but besides that the transition will be pretty seamless. I'm excited to see how our lives will be for the next few years.

4) Mike is doing well at school, burning the candle at both ends with work 40 hours a week and school 4 nights a week, but he's strong! He can do it. I'm worried about how he will handle adding a newborn to the mix, but I think all will work out. It usually does.

I think all women who've ever had children should start a revolution in America for better maternity leave and benefits. It's ridiculous how horrible this country is compared to other countries. Makes me partially want to move to England for the next kid.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog! Just a short update....the baby could come any time now! That's pretty surreal.

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